Alhumdulillah, my own book, ‘Jamal’s Bad-Time Tale’ has recently been published by IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House)!
As you may have guessed, it’s based on the characters from ‘Life with the Ahmad Family’ comics. Bad-Time Tale is about one day in the life of Jamal. Jamal’s day started out bad, then got worse, then became a nuisance, then horrible, then disgusting and just when Jamal thought it couldn’t get any worse… it became ABOMINABLE!!
You can find ‘Jamal’s Bad-Time Tale’ at the following links: IIPH or Amazon
Read the review of Jamal’s Bad-Time Tale here!
Here are some illustrations from the book… enjoy!
This is the cover of Jamal’s Bad-Time Tale!
Jamal is sleeping soundly in bed… but NOT for Long!

A rude and fuzzy awakening 1
Jamal Has a Rude Awakening

A rude and fuzzy awakening 2
Jamal’s Breakfast Gets Ruined… What a Nuisance!

the cereal killer
Jamal Missed the School Bus… How Awful!!

There goes the bus
Jamal Gets Chased by a the Most Feared Dog in the Neighborhood… How Terrible!!

Great walk
Jamal Gets Punched in Both Eyes in Karate Class… Can things get any Worse???!

Hiyyaa Jamal