
March 9, 2018

The Can do Kid (by Yusra Kazmi, Age 11)

Here’s a nice little story by Yusra Kazmi, age 11, on the importance of working hard in order to succeed!

The Can Do Kid - A Story by Yusra Kazmi, Age 11

The Can Do Kid (Yusra Kazmi)

Qamariyah and Qasim Amir were brother and sister; they both were in grade four. They would get along really well most of the time.

One day one of Qamariyah’s classmates, Jannah, remarked, “I am so not looking forward to the exam next week.” She sighed.

“Neither am I,” said Maymoonah.

“When I get home, I’m going to start studying for the math exam right away,” said Qamariyah.

At home Qamariyah studied and studied, and studied some more. Finally, when she had studied half of her math work, she peeked out of her bedroom window. She blinked her chocolaty brown eyes and squinted.

“Qasim! Aren’t you supposed to be studying?” she shouted.

“I’ll study later, we have the whole week!” Qasim shouted back from their huge garden. He wrinkled his nose and ran to the stables behind the house.

“I think I should have a ride on Calisto my Connemara pony,” thought Qamariyah. So she went off for a ride.

A week later, Qamariyah and Qasim’s friends came over to study for the test tomorrow. But instead they got distracted with a new toy that Qasim showed them, and they all started playing and forgot all about studies, except for Qamariyah, who was studying in her room.

“Why is Qasim playing? Tomorrow is the exam. He’s been out since afternoon till evening. I have to go call him,” said Qamariyah worriedly.

“Qasim! Qasim! What are you doing? We have to study, why aren’t you doing that? Come on, it’s getting late and you haven’t even started!”

“Gosh, Qamariyah you’ve already started, won’t you forget everything?” asked Maymoonah, who was sitting with the gang of friends.

“Yeah, I’ve started and finished. Why haven’t you guys? You were supposed to start last week!” exclaimed  Qamariyah.

“Well, yeah, we sort of studied. Won’t you forget everything?” asked Jannah. “I mean like you began studying so long ago.”

“Right, and you’ll forget and get 0%” laughed Zaid and Tariq.

“I think we all should go home now Qasim.” said Aisha, another jolly girl.

“Ok Aisha,” answered Qasim.

After Qamariyah and her family prayed Maghrib salah, Qamariyah’s mother said: “Alright Qamariyah honey, I’m first going to quiz you and then your dad will – just to prepare you for your real exam, ok?”

“Ok Mom,” answered Qamariyah, getting her pencil.

After some time . . .

“Ok Qamariyah, you can see your percent,” said her mother.

98%. YES!!!” exclaimed the happy girl.

“But what about Qasim’s quiz Mom?” she asked later, while clearing up her things.

“We’ll quiz him after dinner,” said Qamariyah’s mother cheerfully.

“Qasim, we need to quiz you! Qasim!” shouted Dad after dinner. “Oh, he’s gone to sleep. Well, I guess I’ll quiz him tomorrow.”

The next morning . . .

“Ok, Mom I’m going to school!” shouted Qamariyah.

“Wait, you forgot your lunch!” her mother shouted back.

“Oops! I don’t want to forget my egg sandwiches! Come on, Qasim we’re going to be late for the exam!” Qamariyah ran out the front door. “Assalamu-‘alaykum Mom.”

“Ok, Ok, I’m coming!” said Qasim as he stomped out the door grumpily with no salaam.

Later on in class. . .

“Good job Qamariyah!” said Miss Bruin the teacher. “You got 100%! I’m really surprised because the rest of the class got 23% or 25%.”

“Qasim! Qasim! I got 100%! What percent did you get?” asked Qamariyah, as they lined up for the bus.
  “Never mind,” retorted Qasim.

At home . . .

“Qasim you only got 23%! Why?” asked their mom.

“I well… umm… I… was…umm… ok I didn’t study,” stammered Qasim.

“You didn’t study!” gasped his mom as she pulled a frown. “Well, your father’s going to have to hear about this! He’ll give you a good telling-off!”

And he did. Angry words echoed through the house. Qasim had salty tears running down his cheeks.

Later on in their room . . .

Qamariyah sat beside Qasim and suggested, “Qasim, why don’t you try your best next time?”

“Ok, I’ll take your advice,” he said.

The next day Qasim promised to study every time he had an exam. And he kept his promise.




If you want to succeed in life, you must give your best and not take things as a joke.

Poems and Stories for Muslim Kids, Stories by Yusra , , ,
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  1. great I’m only 8 its good teaches me a lesson for my online classes

    • Masha Allah Sister Aisha! Jazak Allahu khair for your comment and May Allah grant you success in your education… Ameen!

  2. Very good! This will teach many people to not joke around in life when something serious is going on! Mashallah!

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