Assalaam-u-alaikum! Here is a step by step guide for performing Hajj and ‘Umrah demonstrated by Umm Jamal and Abbu Jamal.
Hope you and your family find it useful & enjoy the activities too!
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An Overview of ‘Umrah
As we all know, Hajj is performed in the month of Dhul Hijjah! The 12th month of the Hijri Calendar. Before performing the Hajj, most people also perform the ‘Umrah, or lesser Hajj. ‘Umrah can be performed any time of the year. Here is an overview of the different activities we do in ‘Umrah.

‘Umrah Overview
Step 1 – The Ihram!
Before performing ‘umrah or the hajj, a pilgrim must enter the state of ‘ihram‘. Here are two helpful coloring pages to help you understand what is ihram, how you enter Ihram, as well as what is permissible and what is not permissible during ihram. Enjoy!

Umrah Part 1 – Ihram

Do’s & Don’ts of Ihram
Step 2 – The Talbiyyah
After entering the state of Ihram, you should start reciting the Talbiyyah all the way till you reach the Ka’ba for Tawaf!

‘Umrah Part 2 – The Talbiyyah
Step 3 – The Tawaf
Once we reach the Ka’bah we perform the Tawaf which means going around the Ka’bah 7 times while praising Allah. Can you spot the difference between the two pictures?

‘Umrah Part 3 – Tawaf
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Step #4 – Maqam Ibrahim (AS)
After performing the Tawaf, you need to pray 2 rakaats sunnah at the Maqam Ibrahim (AS) or the Station of Ibrahim (AS). Join the dots and complete the illustration of Maqam Ibrahim (AS).

‘Umrah Part 4 – Maqam Ibrahim (AS)
Step #5 – Sa’ee
We have almost completed ‘Umrah. The next step is to do the sa’ee (the quick walking) and running between the mountains of Safaa and Marwa! Can you find Umm Jamal & Abbu Jamal in the picture below?

‘Umrah Part 5 – Sa’ee
Step # 6 – Cut the Hair & Come Out of Ihram
The last step of ‘Umrah is to cut our hair and then we come out of the state of ihram. Color in this picture!

‘Umrah Part 6 – Cut Hair & Nails
The Hajj – An Overview
After ‘Umrah, Umm Jamal and Abbu Jamal begin their Hajj! Hajj begins on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah. Below is an overview of all the activities Muslims do on the Hajj.

Hajj Overview
8th Dhul Hijjah – Enter Ihram & Camp at Mina
On the first day of Hajj, we again enter Ihram and go to Mina where we will sleep in tents. But where is Umm Jamal’s tent? 🙂

Hajj Part 1 – Camp at Mina
9th Dhul Hijjah – Mount ‘Arafah & Muzdalifa
9th Dhul Hijjah is Yaum ul ‘Arafah, the GREATEST day of the entire year! On this day the people performing Hajj gather on the Mount of ‘Arafah. Afterwards they head to Muzdalifah!
Draw Umm Jamal & Abbu Jamal on Mount ‘Arafah and help them find the stones at Muzdalifa.

9th Dhul Hijjah – Yaum ul ‘Arafah

9th Dhul Hijjah – Muzdalifah
10th Dhul Hijjah – Stoning of Jamarat al ‘Aqabah
10th Dhul Hijjah is day of ‘Eid ul Adha for Muslims worldwide! On this day, the people performing Hajj travel back to Mina to do the following:
- Stone Jamarat al ‘Aqabah.
- Slaughtering their sacrificial animal
- Cut their hair
- Remove the ihram
- Perform the Tawaf al Ifaadah
Color in the activity sheets below showing these acts!

10th Dhul Hijjah – Stoning Jamarat al ‘Aqabah

10th Dhul Hijjah – After Stoning Jamarat al ‘Aqabah
11th & 12th Dhul Hijjah – Stone all the Jamarat and Perform Tawaf al Wada’
These are the very last days of Hajj! On these days, the people performing Hajj:
- Stone ALL the Jamarat
- Perform Tawaf al Wada’ (the farewell tawaf)
Can you draw in the missing Jamarat in the picture below and also draw Umm Jamal and Abbu Jamal performing Tawaf al Wada’?

11th & 12th Dhul Hijjah – Completing the Hajj
Alhamdulillah! All praise is due to Allah who helped us complete the Hajj!
May He allow us to come back again and again to perform this great act of worship! Ameen!
nice job, may Allah reward you
Jazak Allahu khair Sister Tamara… We’re still working on the steps for Hajj… Insha Allah more to come! 🙂
This is Amazing, InshaAllah I am going for Hajj with my 3 year old and wanted to make a journal for him, showing each step of our journey and the importance of it. I know at his age he won’t understand much, but this is the best way to keep him occupied, educated, entertained.
JazaKAllahu khaira
Wa iyyakum! Jazak Allahu khair for your kinds words! May Allah make the Hajj easy for you and accept! Please do remember us in your du’aas if you are able.
Asalaam Alaikum!
These are wonderful coloring pages! Is there an update for the rest of the steps?
Wa-alaikum Assalaam Sister… Jazak Allahu khair for your kind words. Insha Allah, we will be publishing the remaining steps very soon… Jazak Allahu khair for your patience!
Assalamu’alaikum. Thanks for the resource! My student love this so much! May Allah bless you abundance!
Wa-alaikum Assalaam. Thank you so much for your kind words and du’aas. Good to know you and your students are finding the activity pages beneficial. Please do share with your friends, family, and colleagues! Jazak Allahu khair.
Could I please get a copy? I can’t seem to download for umrah Jzk
Sure thing. Can you please send me an email at [email protected] and I will respond back with the images insha Allah. I tried emailing you at the email you provided, however it bounced back.
Could I please get a copy?
It can’t seem to download for umrah activities. And the other activities.
Wa-alaikum Assalaam Brother…
I have responded to your email and sent you the activity sheets.
To download them, please right click your mouse and select ‘Save As’. Hope this helps
Salam, this is so clear and consise, an amazing resource to teach children about hajj! Is there a way to download this and print?
Wa-alaikum Assalaam. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, to download them, please right click your mouse, select Save As and download them to your computer. If you’re using your mobile, just press and hold on the image and download it to your mobile device. Hope this helps!