Muslim Girl on a Swing – Huda Kazmi, Age 12
Huda Kazmi has drawn a bright illustration of a Muslim girl and her cat enjoying a swing in a lovely garden on a nice sunny day.
Huda Kazmi has drawn a bright illustration of a Muslim girl and her cat enjoying a swing in a lovely garden on a nice sunny day.
Aisha Khidher Adam from Nairobi, Kenya has drawn a nice Islamic illustration on how to perform Wudu (ablution).
On the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah, pilgrims go to Mount Arafat, also known as the Mountain of Mercy, from Mina. The Khutbah of Hajj is given and the pilgrims stay on the mountain the whole day, making Dua’a and praying to Allah for forgiveness of their sins.
Here’s a nice landscape illustration and coloring by Wardah Kazmi, age 6. Note the lovely shading! 🙂
Huda loves foxes these days… What could be better than just a fox? A fox who paints of course! Paints all over the walls and floors and all over…
Mustafa Laher from the USA colored in the ‘Eid ul Adha poster!
Here’s a nice little illustration by Sumeyyah Laher, age 7, who lives in the U.S.A! Be good to your kitties kids… Give them lots of milk till they are big and fat! 🙂
Wardah loves horses! Here’s an illustration of a horse being led in the desert. Is that a princess in the pink dress??
Here’s a pretty picture by my daughter Imaan Kazmi, age 14, of a mother preparing an iftaar meal with her kids during Ramadan.
An illustration of a horse by Wardah, age 6.